I've offered to help write the revisor documentation, and got this
message in reply. Wondered if any body had any suggestions what the
best method to do this would be?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonathan Roberts <jonathan.roberts.uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 01-Jun-2007 13:15
Subject: Re: [Revisor-devel] Documentation
To: Revisor Development Discussion List <revisor-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I suppose there's a few ways we can do this... We would want the
documentation to be available on the Revisor website as well as in the
Revisor RPM package, and if it's possible to get them on docs.fp.org
we'll be able to just pull the sources from there enabling collaborative
editing (right?) and translation (both are huge advantages I think!).
OK, well I'm no expert on this, but I think the two best options for
collaborative work are the Fedora Wiki or docbook in the Fedora
CVS...how ever we write it though, I guess we can always port it to
different formats if necessary after it's written?
I'll forward this message on to the Fedora docs list and someone there
will be able to advise us on the best way to achieve this :D
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