My real name is Francis Earl, for obvious reason however, I prefer Frank. I currently reside in Phoenix, Arizona. (PST) I'm currently not working, however I am 3 classes from an AAS in Network Technology. My primary purpose for joining the arts team is to hopefully make entry easier for people interested in Fedora. I wish to do this by providing information on that will hopefully assist them in getting started. I believe that other projects are so popular because the requirements for entry are lower, and hopefully I'll help ensure Fedora starts down a similar path. I was an early contributor to Ubuntu documentation, and have made contributions to many OpenSUSE wiki pages. These are mostly related to what normal users will want to do when they get started, very basic things explained because I was sick of answering them in the IRC channels, and also to remind me of the process :) I don't think anything really makes me an excellent match for the project. I think I simply have the time to write the pages many would find tedious, things directed at new users. Everyone was one once though, and I don't know about you, but it was very confusing for me. There are no User Manuals for Fedora users, I believe the wiki should become exactly that. A User Manual for Users by Users, and I don't think such things can be written by anyone but the users :) I feel like I just went through an interview process, is that really the feel people want for contribution to the project? ------------------------------------------------- [fearl@thabox ~]$ gpg --fingerprint 7BDB4407 pub 1024D/7BDB4407 2007-04-29 Key fingerprint = 7125 6099 AAEF C64F 3F3E DC5F 9172 8F72 7BDB 4407 uid Frank Earl (Trey) <lunitik@xxxxxxxxx> sub 2048g/590237A4 2007-04-29 -- fedora-docs-list mailing list fedora-docs-list@xxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: