FDSCo Meeting 2007-04-01 IRC log

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12:00 < quaid> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject/SteeringCommittee/Meetings
12:01 < stickster> Bob of any kind here? couf_afk?
12:02 < quaid> BobJensen-Away, couf_afk, stickster
12:02 < Bob-Laptop> morning buoys
12:02 < quaid> looking a little light in folks today
12:02 < quaid> I forget ...
12:02 < quaid> oh, no, I remember ... if four people, we can vote
12:03 < stickster> Yup, otherwise we just summarize
12:03 < Bob-Laptop> sorry I missed last week unexpectedly
12:03 < quaid> we'll hang out a few minutes to see if glezos shows, since he was thinking of an agenda item apparently
12:03 < stickster> Yup
12:04  * stickster is making lunch for kids, but mostly paying attention
12:05  * mull lurks
12:06 < quaid> hey mull
12:06 < mull> hey
12:06 < quaid> anyone mind waiting until :15 to start?  see if any wayward folks arrive?
12:06 < quaid> we may not have enough to talk about anyway ...
12:06 < quaid> well, this close to release, there is always something to think about.
12:11  * mull notices an outdated screenshot in the DUG
12:12 < mull> the login screen has changed entirely from what's there...
12:13 < stickster> mull: Use your wiki powers :-)
12:16 < quaid> or ...
12:16 < mull> hmmm, gotta think of the best way to get a screenshot of gdm login, though
12:16 < quaid> do we need the screenshot?
12:17 < mull> I'm not sure.  what sort of feedback have to been getting about the "screenshots are generally bad" email?  I haven't kept up
12:17 < stickster> mull: You can use Xnest to do it
12:18 < stickster> i.e. gdmthemetester
12:19 < mull> k, working out deps to install that
12:19 < mull> Xnest had file conflicts with another Xorg package...
12:20 < stickster> mull: FC6?
12:20 < mull> F7
12:20  * stickster goes PM with mull to keep channel clear
12:21 < stickster> quaid: Let's just go ahead and barrel through for now
12:22 < stickster> glezos put something on the agenda about l10n users' access to Makefile
12:22 < stickster> Can we do that, in addition to po/ stuff?
12:22 < stickster> I have no objection, means they can test translations right away
12:23 < quaid> oh, ic
12:23 < quaid> yeah, i suppose we can
12:23 < quaid> it's not the .common
12:23 < stickster> Right
12:23 < quaid> although I suppose we could include a Makefile.l10n instead and have just that r/w
12:24 < stickster> quaid: Oh, that is actually a very good idea!
12:24 < quaid> oh!
12:24  * quaid is pwoud of himself now
12:24 < stickster> Oops, didn't mean to sound so surprised :-D
12:24  * quaid retroactively declares
12:24 < quaid> <meeting>
12:24 < quaid> ha!
12:25  * stickster volunteers for log/summary duties
12:26 < quaid> ok, thanks
12:26 < quaid> so we solved the first thing :)
12:26 < quaid> what is the ? on the FDUG
12:27 < stickster> I don't know whether that's just a call for status, or what.
12:27 < stickster> jmbabich is stateside for a while and may not be able to do much with it for the next little while
12:27 < stickster> I see that a contributor has stepped in to work on it a little
12:27 < stickster> I would like to see more folks pitching in.
12:28 < quaid> yes
12:28 < quaid> but then we get that good ol' inconsistency of style and methods
12:29 < stickster> Right
12:29 < stickster> Are we concerned at all about the growing number of guides and the lack of follow-through?
12:30 < quaid> not yet
12:30 < quaid> there shall be some purging, soon enough
12:31 < stickster> okey-dokey
12:31 < quaid> here's what I think ...
12:31 < quaid> I think FDSCo needs to set and enforce some heavy-handed style guidelines
12:31 < quaid> we sort of have, but we are always concerned about offending writers
12:31 < stickster> *nod
12:31 < quaid> but you never see Ulrich (bad example!) being nice about someone's coding style
12:32 < stickster> That's an excellent point
12:32  * stickster rubs hands gleefully
12:32 < stickster> And we do have an excellent Style guide on the wiki, thanks to Patrick
12:34 < quaid> I'm happy to tell people what I think they should do, but it would help if we were all consistent together on this
12:35  * BobJensen-Away looks to EvilBob...
12:35 < BobJensen-Away> hehehe
12:36 < stickster> quaid: If it's not documented in our Style docs on the wiki, very easy to add sections
12:36 < stickster> Then we all have a common cry
12:37 < quaid> I'm happy with that style guide, now that I clarified on the active/passive voice stuff :)
12:37  * stickster forgets the clarification
12:37 < stickster> I do see a lot of passive voice still in the Style Guide though :-D
12:37 < quaid> I know
12:38 < stickster> Is that OK by you?
12:38 < quaid> not necc
12:38 < quaid> just lazy about fixing it
12:38 < quaid> suppose I can do that
12:43 < stickster> So I was about to say, the situations where passive voice works better do exist, but they're rare
12:43 < stickster> We rarely put out "guidelines" or "recommendations" in our technical docs.  Usually it's procedural, and we're indicating exactly what to do.
12:44 < stickster> Even in a "guideline" situation, you can label active voice with "Use the following guidelines" for an itemized list, and still use active voice
12:46 < stickster> Ha!
12:46 < stickster> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject/StyleGuide/GeneralGuidelines
12:46 < stickster> Look at the first admonition
12:46 < stickster> "Passive voice should be avoided unless necessary"  :-D
12:47  * stickster decides to give it a pass-through
12:47 < quaid> heh
12:47 < quaid> ah, irony
12:47 < quaid> go ahead
12:47  * stickster wields the machete
12:47  * quaid is on CommonMistakes atm
12:48 < stickster> Do we have any other agenda item updates?
12:48 < stickster> Let me jump in with a status on CVS -- we are now using "xml2po -k".  I will be rebuilding and committing POT/PO today, so there will be commits coming through.
12:49 < stickster> *end of stickster biznez
12:50  * stickster gets rid of "commanding voice" (whatever that means), which necessitates use of "you"
12:51 < quaid> that's fine
12:52 < quaid> I need to look at GSoC eventually
12:52 < stickster> No one here for the other items, let's close the meeting and jam
12:53 < quaid> ok, I see Patrick accepted my mentor request
12:53 < stickster> cool
12:53 < quaid> so now I have a queue
12:53 < quaid> I need to grow some more mentors
12:53 < quaid> I'll ask on the list :)
12:55 < stickster> Everybody knows Wiki freeze is coming up tomorrow, yes?
12:57 < stickster> 2359 IIRC
12:59  * quaid scared!
12:59 < stickster> yeah, looks a little sparse this time
12:59 < quaid> fuckers
12:59  * stickster predicts a mad rush post test4
12:59 < stickster> H
12:59 < quaid> its because rahul is leaving us out to dry :D
12:59 < stickster> No slam against mether, he carries a lot of buckets
12:59 < quaid> stickster: will you ...
12:59 < quaid> send an email to ...
13:00  * stickster prepares blog entry
13:00 < quaid> f-devel-l?
13:00 < stickster> Sure
13:00 < quaid> ok, that too
13:00 < stickster> both, +1
13:00 < quaid> BobJensen: are you on f-maintainers?
13:00 < Bob-Laptop> Please
13:00 < quaid> Bob-Laptop: can you email f-maintainers?
13:00 < Bob-Laptop> I have not been able to sent email out for 11 or 12 days
13:00 < stickster> yikes
13:00 < quaid> we need to let the former Extras group know that this is their relnotes, too
13:00 < quaid> Bob-Laptop: woah
13:01  * quaid takes f-maintainers
13:01 < Bob-Laptop> I am working on upgrading the mail server to CentOS 4.92 today it was FC2, something is busted
13:02 < stickster> Bob-Laptop: Scan bugzilla for things with requires-fedora-release-note flag on
13:02 < stickster> Make sure we have that stuff covered too
13:02 < stickster> I think that was the flag name...
13:02 < Bob-Laptop> stickster: Yup
13:02  * stickster has got to get to the IG today if possible
13:03 < Bob-Laptop> once I get this mail working I will be in BZ and wiki until we freeze
13:03 < stickster> k
13:03 < Bob-Laptop> I took tomorrow off because I know the notes need work
13:04 < quaid> ok, Bob-Laptop has BZ
13:04 < quaid> there may not be much, i haven't looked recently though
13:04 < stickster> I've been keeping an eye on stuff coming on the relnotes mail feed, I don't think there's a walloping lot
13:06  * quaid sends f-maintainers email and uses "stupidly easy" in it
13:06 < stickster> heh, way to tweak 'em
13:06  * stickster will take care of f-devel-l
13:07 < stickster> I'm copying your email.
13:08 < Bob-Laptop> I had pinged Rex to get some KDE info in to  the beats, not sure if anything happened there
13:08 < stickster> Bam!
13:08  * stickster kicks it up a notch
13:09 < stickster> Are we EOM now?
13:09 < quaid> yes
13:09 < quaid> </meeting>

Paul W. Frields, RHCE                          http://paul.frields.org/
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
      Fedora Project:  http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PaulWFrields
  irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug

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