FDP Team:
As we discussed in the IRC channel yesterday, we finalized the
Fedora Core 6 version of the DUG and want to begin the Fedora
7 DUG editing process on the wiki.
The dilemma seems to be how to preserve the FC6 DUG while
beginning the draft version edits for Fedora Linux 7.
I propose the following solution:
At the Docs/Drafts/DesktopUserGuide link (the one referenced by the
default home page in FC6), we put a notice prominently at the top of
the page like this:
"For the Fedora Core 6 Desktop User Guide, please go to this link",
which points to Docs/DesktopUserGuide.
The *draft* Fedora 7 Desktop User Guide can remain at the current
Docs/Drafts location, clearly labeled as the draft version for Fedora 7.
People who are interested in the FC6 DUG can click through to the
*published* version. Anyone interested in Fedora Linux 7 can follow
the *draft* version, which will be clearly advertised as such.
Does this solve the dilemma?
John Babich
Volunteer, Fedora Docs Project
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