We are documenting current functionality. I too have things I'd like to suggest to the developers but this is not the place for it. I'm also new here and a little lost myself. I am having a bit of difficulty getting edit rights. Keeps telling me my GPG key doesn't exist. I created a new one (btw changed my sig) and it still tells me I am giving an invalid key. Didn't have that problem signing up for the initial wiki account. However the edit application says I don't exist and won't allow me to submit a key. I'll submit a text version and let everybody rip it apart here and somebody post it while I work on getting editing rights.
As for what we are doing. This is how I understand it. I am probably wrong on a few points and hope that I'll be instantly corrected.
We take sections of documentation and explain how,what and the usage of various parts of Fedora. This is also in a frame of reference that it can easily be merged with other distro documentation sets to reduce the duplication of efforts and create a better user experience not just for Fedora users but also for all Linux users. There are however areas that are distro specific and part of our job is to write clear user guides that help users learn/use Fedora Linux in particuler and Linux in general in non-Fedora specific areas.
I'll post my first stabs at doing such to the list for feedback and hopefully for somebody to post to the appropriate areas.
(Very well written doc page on creating keys. Though identifying your keyid is missing. Other than that excellent document)
Side note Dimitri. You only want to publish your sig, not all of your keys.
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --send-keys GPGKEYID
If you want to give or send a file copy of your key to someone, use this command to write it to an ASCII text file:
gpg --export --armor jqdoe@xxxxxxxxxxx > jqdoe-pubkey.asc
On 12/7/06, Dimitrios Typaldos <dtfedora@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It seems properly that I have misinterpreted some previous sayings. I had the idea that the pages under drafts are still under development and not in a rather final phase. Could someone clarify this for me , please just to get a solid idea of my tasks ?
pub 1024D/6A7B898C 2006-11-16
Key fingerprint = F892 27EB 871A 3C16 B18E 3AD5 3A6A 3F77 6A7B 898C
uid Dimitrios Typaldos (Encrypted)
sub 2048g/4773BB57 2006-11-16
----- Original Message ----
From: Paul W. Frields <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
To: For participants of the Documentation Project <fedora-docs-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, December 8, 2006 1:23:22 AM
Subject: Re: comments on 'directory structure'
On Wed, 2006-12-06 at 16:21 -0800, Dimitrios Typaldos wrote:
> I would like to include some ideas/proposals that maybe could improve
> the Directory Structure:
> Any comments positive or negative are welcome.
Unfortunately, this is probably the wrong forum for such a discussion.
You could try fedora-devel-list instead, but be prepared for a strenuous
argument. Best of luck!
Paul W. Frields, RHCE http://paul.frields.org/
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
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