The controls in a table format look better. Nice job.
John Babich
GPG KEYID and Fingerprint
pub 1024D/42AF1331 2006-08-12 [expires: 2008-08-11]
Key fingerprint = CE8E 40BD 5CB8 8437 787F 8F57 D517 C1DF 42AF 1331
uid John M. Babich (Fedora Project) < jmbabich gmail com>
sub 2048g/9C81B068 2006-08-12 [expires: 2008-08-11]
On 11/6/06, Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Fri, 2006-11-03 at 11:19 +0300, John Babich wrote:
> Paul:
> I will try to do some simple controls that can be readily identified
> and easily commented out.
These look pretty good. I adjusted it to use a table to look a little
nicer and more like the controls in the docs from DocBook.
- Karsten
Karsten Wade, RHCE, 108 Editor ^ Fedora Documentation Project
Sr. Developer Relations Mgr. | | gpg key: AD0E0C41
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