Re: In regards to "Introducing Fedora" as suggested....

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O/H Karsten Wade έγραψε:
> On Sun, 2006-10-08 at 16:39 -0400, Markus McLaughlin wrote:
>> There are many ways to introduce Fedora Core so I am asking for  
>> suggestions on how best to do so, I want to do it so it's not too dry  
>> or too "Microsoft"-like, somewhere in-between is what I had in mind  
>> with a funny Dilbert-style image on the front.   
> Agreed that we want to strike a tone that is neither too formal nor too
> informal.  Writing that is too casual causes distrust in the reader.
> Too formal doesn't sound human ... although it does translate easier!
> For you, I'd recommend trying for slightly more formality, and see how
> that sounds.  Try to avoid the second-person pronoun, especially where
> it forces you to add extra words:
> "You can right-click on the desktop background to get a context
> menu ..."
> "Right-click on the desktop background to get a context menu ..."
> The second is more directive, which is reassuring.  It shows what is
> happening right in front of the user, rather than what "will happen" or
> what "can happen".
> The Introduction, being not about how-to fare but more what-is, do some
> exploring and see what sounds right, and we can iterate from there.
>> What is the best FC- 
>> supported Screen Capture Tool so I can provide the Opening Desktop  
>> Screen of FC6?  Based upon what I write
>> for the Introduction, what would be an appropriate Conclusion?
> Perhaps we should base an answer to that on what you actually do write?
>> I would like to strongly suggest that be the  
>> unofficial Fedora Handbook site where all the Fedora web sites submit  
>> "How-tos" and Solutions into one single forum known as "The Fedora  
>> Handbook."  The purpose of this is for those who aren't busy on the  
>> Documentation Project gather what has already been written and have  
>> it combined on the fedoraforum "Handbook" Site and once that is  
>> successful, someone or some team will have a completed PDF ready 3  
>> months before the next FC release.  It is just a suggestion, nothing  
>> more....
> I think you can follow the same theory, just do it on the
> Wiki instead, such as in the Docs/Drafts/Handbook
> namespace.  The GUI editor in the upcoming update for the Wiki is going
> to make it as easy to edit as the editor.
> The advantage here is that we have tools and processes for converting
> from the Wiki into DocBook XML.  We need that XML to get translated and
> output multiple formats such as HTML, PDF, RTF, TXT, Braille, etc. :)
> Another advantage is that many of us watch the changes in the Wiki.
> Editors can help get on top of style changes and suggestions early.  A
> forum is not conducive to editing and change tracking the way a Wiki is.

+1 to all points Karsten and Paul raised.

You will be *amazed* on how much the docs guys will help you when you get this
started. Trust me, I've been there and these guys rock.

If you feel `Docs/Drafts/Handbook` is too formal/watched for your draft ideas,
you could put them into your own wiki space, under `MarkusMcLaughlin/DocIdeas`
for example and move it into the Docs space when and if you feel so.


Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos@xxxxxxxxxx, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)

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