Name: Eric O'Neal Scott (a.k.a. SigmaX)
Location: Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA
Profession: Student
School: Andrews University
I have the intent to work on the "Publication of all man and info
pages for each release" announced at for the sake of gaining
general experience. I'm a computer science major and see myself going
into a related career, so any project I can find for education's sake
will enhance that goal.
I am a student. And as such I expect to learn more then I can give.
That said, I have sufficient web design skills (See,
including some PHP and SQL knowledge. Three years or so of Linux/UNIX
experience has yielded a reasonable level of proficiency. As far as
programming, the most noteworthy project laboured at can be found at
I enjoy writing documentation, believe it or not. My website has a
series of articles from the last few weeks, and I'm as easily
entertained commenting my code as I am writing it. I journal and blog
regularly to keep up the practice of conveying complicated ideas in
relatively simple-to-fathom terms.
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