Self-Introduction: Hugo Cisneiros

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Hau! Let's go to Self-Introduction :)

1. Hugo Cisneiros

   * Brasilia, Brasil

   * Working with Linux and Free Software in the networking,
     development, and documentation areas.

   * Currently working in Cobra Tecnologia and Banco do Brasil.

2. Your goals in the Fedora Project

   Q: What do you want to write about?
A: Right now, nothing in particular. I'm willing to help other authors to write more and translate docs to the Brazilian Portuguese language.

   Q: What other documentation do you want to see published?
A: I'm beggining with an idea of creating a Knowledge Base, as in a FAQ. The idea came because I always get questions and answers in the mailing lists and IRC. A searchable knowledge base is perfect for people trying to solve problems.

   Q: Do you want to edit for grammar/writing and/or technical accuracy?
   A: Technical :)

   Q: Anything else special?
A: I love just to do things. If you need something that I'm capable of, just point me and I'll do it.

3. Historical qualifications

   Q: What other projects or writing have you worked on in the past?
A: Many things here in Brazil. Lectures, Some Guides and Manuals, Tutorials, and presentations. All in my personal webpage written mostly in Brazilian Portuguese. I also participate in some great events here in Brazil. The most useful thing I've ever done is the first portuguese guide to using Linux. Now I'm doing an updated version of it in a book format.

   Q: What level and type of computer skills do you have?
A: Great experience. I use Linux since beginning of 1997, always working on it and to improve use here in Brazil helping others.

Q: What other skills do you have that might be applicable? User interface design, other so-called soft skills (people skills), programming, etc. A: I love to write and teach people how to do things. I also do some programming and system administration (servers and networks mostly).

   Q: What makes you an excellent match for the project?
   A: Big motivation and the main thing: results!

4. GPG KEYID and fingerprint

[hugo@aeris ~]$ gpg --fingerprint hugo@xxxxxxxxxxxx
pub   1024D/C07C58E9 2006-02-01 [expires: 2007-02-01]
      Key fingerprint = F576 BA97 6738 FFC1 16FB  2D66 C404 9B16 C07C 58E9
uid                  Hugo Cisneiros (Eitch) <hugo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
sub   1024g/6D728B24 2006-02-01 [expires: 2007-02-01]

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