Re: RFC: RPM Changelog thoughts

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On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 12:49 -0600, Tommy Reynolds wrote:
> Uttered "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>, spake thus:
> > I think the CVS log would be nice, but my understanding is that it's
> > difficult to parse for this content.
> I hacked together the attached shell script and ran it against the
> current "release-notes/" document.  It gave this output:
> In addition to the attached shell script, I propose adding an
> "AUTHORS" file to each document.  The example one I used above is:
> ==[release-notes/AUTHORS]==
> ########################################################################
> # We use this AUTHORS file to map CVS checkin names to real names and
> # email addresses.
> ########################################################################
> # DEFAULT	fedora-docs-list@xxxxxxxxxx		-
> jtr	Tommy.Reynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx		Tommy Reynolds
> kwade	Karsten.Wade@xxxxxxxxxx			Karsten Wade

This is probably a good idea regardless of the route we choose for
populating the %changelog, IMHO.

> Now that I look at the voluminous output, I'm less sure that we want
> the CVS log in the RPM.  I think your current dummied-up %changelog
> is perhaps more useful.

I think James Laska had some input on the %changelog hacking, in that
just setting a dummy was neither helpful nor advisable.  (I'm kind of
putting words in his mouth; he was less unkind, but in all honesty my
solution didn't deserve a lot of kindness.) ;-)  I think he suggested
keeping a ChangeLog with the documents that would be used only for
packaging.  I am still mulling that over...

Paul W. Frields, RHCE                
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