Tommy Reynolds wrote:
Uttered Yoshinari Takaoka <mumumu@xxxxxxxxxx>, spake thus:
as you know, fedora installation guide has many figures, and they are english
screen. i want to relpace them with translated (in my case, japanese) screen.
can i commit translated images (i.e *-ja_JP.png, *-ja_JP.eps) to the
install-guide/figs/ directory?
Yes. Name the figure similarly to "picture-<locale>.png" and use the name
"picture-<locale>.png" in your <imagedata> elements.
If a graphic applies to all languages, name it "picture.png" or
"picture-en.png". If a graphic has been i18n'ed, then name it
The "docs-common/Makefile.common" already has rules to copy the
graphics into your HTML output "figs/" subdirectory.
Additional note that you should usually retain the default settings and
theme for consistency.
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