1. Andrew (Andy) Hudson
* City, Country:
Trowbridge, UK
* Profession or Student Status
CRM Development Manager
* Company or School
Future Publishing
* Your goals in the Fedora Project
* What do you want to write about
Productivity Applications, ie OO.o, Evolution, Firefox, Thunderbird
etc. Things from a new user perspective.
* What other documentation do you want to see published?
Demystifing Fedora Core, Beginner guides to 'blah'
* Do you want to edit for grammar/writing and/or technical accuracy?
Either or, really.
* Anything else special
Burning desire to move Fedora Core forward in usability terms
* Historical Qualifications
* What other projects or writing have you worked on in the past?
I regularly write for Linux Format magazine in the UK,
specialising on RH/Fedora based distros. I am also the co-author for
Fedora Core 4 Unleashed by Sams Publishing and will be co-writing
Fedora Core 5 Unleashed.
* What level and type of computer skills do you have?
I am an advanced user, although I do shy away from formal
programming. My strengths lie in the 'user' arena, helping others to
move towards Open Source applications. Particular experience in
Samba and also in yum.
* What other skills do you have that might be applicable?
I am a good people person, having had a background in technical
sales. Also able to describe complex concepts in ways that end users
(particularly newbies) can understand easily.
* What makes you an excellent match for the project?
An intense desire to see Fedora Core as the number one community
distro. My background in writing a large book on Fedora Core
* GPG KEYID and fingerprint
pub 1024D/F98DB760 2005-08-24 [expires: 2006-08-24]
Key fingerprint = A1FD A68E BEC9 4712 0474 3D68 C709 84D7 F98D B760
uid Andrew Hudson (Andrew Hudson) <webmanagement@xxxxxxxxx>
sub 2048g/9F226B42 2005-08-24 [expires: 2006-08-24]
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