OK, so let me actually give a little bit of shape to these ideas from my perspective. On Tue, 16 Aug 2005, Rahul Sundaram wrote: > [1] A portal/wiki/forum for LUGs to be listed (with at least 2 contacts > per LUG) We can start a LUG section asap and make this a prominent page. Who wants it? > [2] Small info kit which could be distributed at LUG meets which happen > at Universities/Schools/Community Centers and the like A physical kit, or a virtual kit? > [3] *101 things you did not know about Fedora* - a small piece about the > project and more importantly *Fedora Core - The Distribution* This seems like a good idea to me. This would also make a great handout. Maybe we should start this "101 things" page on the wiki, work on it for a while, and then when it's baked, we turn it into pretty collateral. I can get help from that end. > [4] Figure out a way to *sell* Fedora goodies The biggest blocker here, honestly, is a treasurer. We could set up a Cafe Press store in 15 minutes; the real issue is, who handles the money? This is one of the upcoming issues to be resolved by the Foundation, but once we're there, I think that this item moves right to the top. > [5] Have Fedora spokesperson at LUGs. This person interacts on a regular > basis with the development of the project and is in a position to talk > about the cool things that make FC nice Is this spokesperson a member of the LUG, or not? > [6] Have dedicated BugSquad members from the LUGs Oh, hell yeah. --g _____________________ ____________________________________________ Greg DeKoenigsberg ] [ the future masters of technology will have Community Relations ] [ to be lighthearted and intelligent. the Red Hat ] [ machine easily masters the grim and the ] [ dumb. --mcluhan -- fedora-docs-list@xxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-docs-list