Re: Minutes from FDSCo (03-May-2005)

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On Sat, 2005-05-07 at 13:46 -0500, Tommy Reynolds wrote:
> Uttered Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>, spake thus:
> > Ah, I see.  I'd say that we do have CVS history worth saving, presuming
> > that it's still there from before the move.
> > 
> > How about we do all new documents as new modules, and when Elliott is
> > available, we can have him do the change.  I'd guess that shell access
> > on cvs.fedora is hard to come by.
> I'd think that too.  In that case, Elliott can do the whole shebang in
> about three minutes, while Paul and I watch over his shoulder and
> joggle his elbow.

Here's a patch that I guess will work for now.  Karsten, you have commit
perms for CVSROOT/ so you will need to put this one up.  I don't think
we'll need shell access for anything.  If we can get Elliot to simply
put us in the CVSROOT/avail file as having rights to write to
CVSROOT/modules (and really we only need that file, I think), we can add
modules when needed.

Paul W. Frields, RHCE                
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
 Fedora Documentation Project:
Index: CVSROOT/modules
RCS file: /cvs/docs/CVSROOT/modules,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 modules
--- CVSROOT/modules	7 Apr 2005 01:07:14 -0000	1.2
+++ CVSROOT/modules	8 May 2005 23:09:34 -0000
@@ -27,8 +27,28 @@
 cvsroot		CVSROOT
 modules		CVSROOT modules
-config		config
-kickstart	kickstart
-cvs		cvs
-docs		docs
-testing		testing
+common			common
+css			css
+scripts			scripts
+stylesheet-images	stylesheet-images
+xsl			xsl
+shared			common css scripts stylesheet-images xsl
+developer-guide	       	   	   developer-guide shared
+documentation-guide		   documentation-guide shared
+example-tutorial		   example-tutorial shared
+install-guide			   install-guide shared
+jargon-buster			   jargon-buster shared
+mirror-tutorial			   mirror-tutorial shared
+proxy-guide			   proxy-guide shared
+release-notes			   release-notes shared
+selinux-apache			   selinux-apache shared
+selinux-faq			   selinux-faq shared
+stateless-linux			   stateless-linux shared
+translation-guide		   translation-guide shared
+translation-guide-windows	   translation-guide-windows shared
+updates				   updates shared
+usb-hotplug			   usb-hotplug shared

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