The updated version, hopefully ready for editorial, is available at Bugzilla #130125. Major issues: 1. I need someone to contribute sections on apt. I don't use it, only up2date with the yum backend. Note that the tutorial is purposely *not* designed to be a tutorial for how to use yum and apt. The only reason they are mentioned is in the context of providing a backend for up2date on both the server and the client side. As it stands, the tutorial fulfills its mission, but it does not cover the apt part, only yum. 2. There is a technical question in there about using a directory containing ISO loopback mount points (disc1/, disc2/, etc.) via NFS for system-config-packages. Anyone know the answer? 3. For those only willing to browse the results, the nightly HTML build will be available tomorrow at <>. I need an editor; anyone willing to bear the pain? -- Paul W. Frields, RHCE