Re: mirror-tutorial

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On Mon, 2004-08-16 at 14:45, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-08-16 at 17:12, Karsten Wade wrote:

> > 
> >
    { tainted URL? }

> > I don't know how CC and FDL licensed documents mix.  It'd be a shame to
> > have to redo the implementation.  Has anyone encountered this yet?  It's
> > covered by the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0
> > (
> Karsten,
> This brings up an interesting point which might be outside the scope of
> this list, but I'm hoping you, Tammy and Mark especially (given your FTE
> at Red Hat) might have some experience. I see your link above, and want
> to be clear that, to this point, I have not visited it.
> It looks to me like the CC BY-NC-SA is incompatible with the GNU FDL in
> that it (a) requires identical licensing (SA), and (b) prevents
> commercial use (NC). It does, however, grant the licensor the right to
> waive any of these provisions upon request. It does make me a little
> leery about reading too much before I write my tutorial! My head started
> spinning with "clean room implementation" and other nonsense, until I
> decided to simply write mine and see how it comes out.

Oh, man, I know where you are coming from.  I hope we don't have to
worry about being tainted by other open source projects using different

I can see that we can't mix the two.  I'd been hoping that the script
was covered by a different license, but it doesn't say anything else so
I'm assuming it's the CC BY-NC-SA.

> In general, the law says that "fair use" isn't affected by copyright of
> any kind, including a CC license, as stated explicitly even on the CC
> site. Just as a copyrighted work may quote from a copyrighted source
> without permission, I may review Alex's work and draw an idea from it,
> and expand on it. I may *not* reproduce a substantial portion of his
> work verbatim without permission. I plan to write my tutorial and then,
> once it's done, post about it here and in Bugzilla.
> I'll leave it up to others to review my original work and tell me if
> there are shortcomings at that time. If someone would then like to point
> out deficiencies, I'd try and address them myself up until the point my
> skills give out.

Fair enough.  If I raise the point that such-and-such a script would be
a Good Thing, we'll see if Alex wants to re-license or dual-license the
script under the GPL, if it's worth it.  

In the end, I don't think you are going to be tainted by reading his
tutorial or script, but I understand recreating the functionality he has
may be beyond your and my skills.  If it is, perhaps someone else will
step-up and write a GPL'd script to use, if we can't use Alex's.

- Karsten
Karsten Wade, RHCE, Tech Writer
a lemon is just a melon in disguise
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