At 18:15 17/11/2003, you wrote:
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Hi all,
I've been trying this all today, and I really like it. I was chatting to Tim
Waugh on our #fedora-devel irc channel today and has been using for ages and
also has rpms for it.
I think we should update the docs guide to include this as an alternative to
psgml mode.
Better error reporting.
Allows odd character entry (Unicode code points)
slick association with schema.
Flexible, DTD, XSD (if you have no taste :-) or relax-NG schema.
I'm sure it will improve more... and its only a few weeks old.
No tag this highlight region with X tag.
No Move to next entry with CDATA.
Generally, better than psgml.... if namespaces wanted.
I'm working with it after 6 years with psgml.
regards DaveP