Hi all,
Apologies to all those people who have showed interests in Fedora Translation Project for responding so late. We have been quite busy trying to clear out the last release.
To become a translator, you first need to sign up an account on http://rhlinux.redhat.com/cgi-bin/i18n-signup/
The steps to generate ssh key pair need by the sign up process are:
* open a terminal window
* [username@host homedirectory]$ cd .ssh
* [username@host .ssh]$ ls
* If you see "id_dsa" and "id_dsa.pub", you can skip the following steps. However, you must remember the password you have used to generate the keys.
* If you do not see the above two files, do the following:
* [username@host .ssh]$ssh-keygen -t dsa
* You will be requested to enter your password twice to generate the key pair.
* Once the keys are generated, copy the "id_dsa.pub" content and paste it into the account sign up page. (you can use "cat id_dsa.pub" to display the key content.)
Once you have submitted account request, and got it approved, you can start to check out the modules.
The CVSROOT for the software translation module is ":ext:username@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/local/CVS". You can add aliases in your ~/.bashrc file to make life easier. The alias name can be changed using your own preference. And don't forget to substitute the "username" with your user name. eg:
alias cvs-software='export CVSROOT=:ext:username@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:/usr/local/CVS'
Now, you are ready to check out modules. The module name for software po files is "translate". e.g.
[username@host homedirectory]$ cvs-software [username@host homedirectory]$ cvs -z9 co translate
You should be able to find all software package names under ~/translate/ directory. Under each package, there are a number of po files such as "de.po" or "zh_CN.po". The name represents the language code.
It's strongly advised that you coordinate with other translators in your language group to avoid possible file conflicts or overwriting each other's work.
This is just a rough outline. We will post more detailed information on the website as soon as we can.
Thanks for your contribution!