2010/8/2 Rich Megginson <rmeggins@xxxxxxxxxx>
Well, the servers are running for a long time, not only a days. I have done that search, but the "Entry cache hit ratio" remains 0. I have also noticed that "Current entry cache size (in entries)" is only 4168, even after the search, although out directory cointains about 50000 entries. Is this normal?
Juan Asensio Sánchez wrote:When you start out with an empty cache, the cache hit ratio will be 0
> Hi
> I am trying to tune the performance of the Directory Server. We have
> increased the memory for the database cache and for each database
> entry cache. These are the new values:
> cn=config, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
> nsslapd-dbcachesize: 838860800 (~800MB)
> cn=*,cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
> nsslapd-cachememsize: 125829120 (~120MB)
> We have 27 databases, and the servers have 16 GB of RAM, so the server
> should be able to handle all that memory (800 + 120*27 = 4040MB). But
> when I go to the monitoring section of the management console, the
> database cache says the hit ratio is 99% (this is OK according to the
> documentation, near 100%), but the entry cache is 0%, that is very far
> for 100% that the documentation recomends (see screenshots attached).
> Am I confused or the configuration is not correct?
until entries get into the cache and are pulled from the cache rather
than the database.
Try doing a search like ldapsearch ... -b "basesuffixofdatabase"
Well, the servers are running for a long time, not only a days. I have done that search, but the "Entry cache hit ratio" remains 0. I have also noticed that "Current entry cache size (in entries)" is only 4168, even after the search, although out directory cointains about 50000 entries. Is this normal?
> Regards.
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