Re: [389-users] Reindexing the database

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if everything is ok you should not ever need to reindex the database manually. You need to reindex it only if there were signs of database corruption, database file losses or some strange inconsistencies during your searches.

To reindex online (on 64-bit systems) :
/usr/lib64/dirsrv/slapd-<slapd-id>/ -v -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w - -n userRoot

You will see the results of reindexing in /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-<slapd-id>/errors

2010/3/16 Diretorio Livre <tisdn.livre@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
We're using Fedora Directory Server 1.2.0 and we've never reindex the database.
Is it important to periodically reindex the database? I haven't found the reindex topic in the documentation.

Thanks in advance,
SIEDN - Diretorio Livre

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