Re: [389-users] Last problem before migrating from tivoli to 389 ldap

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On 02/18/2010 05:51 AM, Serge.Sterck@xxxxxxx wrote:
attributeTypes: (
  NAME 'birthdate'
this is derived from a custom schema found in the ibm ldap
or ibm ldap is currently in lenian mode (a big shit) it accept
data even if the syntax is not correct
i have looked the syntax   SYNTAX  is a time generalized attribute
so it must be encoded in numbre of second since  a referenc date thx to point me that this attribute
was imported from our ibm ldap schema.
Please see RFC 4517 for details on the Generalized Time syntax.  It is not the number of seconds since the epoch.  Here are some examples of valid values from the RFC:


It looks like you are just missing the g-time-zone portion of the value.  Either add a "Z" at the end or use an offset as described in the g-differential definition in the RFC.


Serge Sterck
Chef de service informatique adjoint
Tel : (02) 506.97.15
Email: serge.sterck@xxxxxxx serge.sterck@xxxxxxxxx

-----389-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit : -----

A : "General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project." <389-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
De : Nathan Kinder <nkinder@xxxxxxxxxx>
Envoyé par : 389-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date : 17/02/2010 22:51
Objet : Re: [389-users] Last problem before migrating from tivoli to 389 ldap

On 02/17/2010 01:36 PM, Serge.Sterck@xxxxxxx wrote:
I still have one problem that prevent me to migrate from tivoli to 389 ldap
i have a problem with the birthdate attribute. I have encoded this in a ldif
with the format AAAAMMJJHHMMSS but it refuse my question is
what is the format that i must use, must i encode this in base64
like the trick to set a attribute with a value a space
Thx for the reply guys
What error do you get?  I don't see a "birthdate" attribute in the default schema, so you may need to create some custom schema if you must have that attribute.

#!ERROR [LDAP: error code 21 - birthdate: value #0 invalid per syntax ]
dn: uid=f704,ou=users,dc=fmsb,dc=be
objectClass: FMSBPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: extensibleObject
objectClass: top
objectClass: ePerson
applicationprofile: RemoteHomeDirectoryModel=Fedora-Core-6
applicationprofile: X3270Profile=sessions:{a,b,c,d,e};a:{keyboard=encodage|c
applicationprofile: internet=,ctx
birthdate: 19550724000000
cn:: SmVhbi1NYXJpZSBHcsOpZ29pcmU=
description:: SmVhbiBNYXJpZSBHcsOpZ29pcmU=
employeenumber: 0704
firstname: Jean-Marie
gidnumber: 501
homeDirectory: /home/f704
lastname:: R3LDqWdvaXJl
loginShell: /bin/bash
mail: mailareencoder@xxxxxxx
o: 306000
preferredLanguage: FR
telephonenumber: 9806
uid: f704
uidNumber: 1704
userPassword:: ZGViaQ==

Serge Sterck
Chef de service informatique adjoint
Tel : (02) 506.97.15
Email: serge.sterck@xxxxxxx serge.sterck@xxxxxxxxx

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