On 12/07/2009 03:41 AM, Mitja Mihelic( wrote:
Has anyone managed to get SNMP working ?
Yes, it does work. The problem areas for most during setup seem to be
communication between the master agent and the subagent (the subagent
logs should indicate if this is a problem when you start it), and access
control configuration of the master agent. Perhaps your community does
not have rights to see everything?
Mitja Mihelic wrote:
Nathan Kinder wrote:
On 12/01/2009 07:21 AM, Mitja Mihelic( wrote:
I have set up SNMP on our server.
What platform are you on and what version of 389 are you using?
It's not the 389 server exactly. It's centos-ds-8.1.0-1.el5.centos.2 run
on the current CentOS 5.4
What does your configuration file look like for the ldap-agent
subagent? Did you configure it to communicate with snmpd via agentx?
Do the ldap-agent logs show anything?
The first two lines in /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
master agentx
mibdirs +/usr/share/dirsrv/mibs
Contents of the etc/dirsrv/snmp-agent/ldap-agent.conf
agentx-master /var/agentx/master
agent-logdir /var/log/dirsrv/snmp-agent/
server slapd-SERVER-users
The ldap-agent logs shows the following, repeated every 15s or so:
2009-12-02 10:10:09 Reloading stats.
2009-12-02 10:10:09 Opening stats file
(/var/run/dirsrv/slapd-SERVER-users.stats) for server: 389
The ldap-agent was run like so (in debug mode just in case):
ldap-agent -D /etc/dirsrv/snmp-agent/ldap-agent.conf
While it responds to my queries it reports only data from the OID
. (dsEntityEntry)
All other variables seem to be empty.
For instance, a query for . (dsURL) :
[host] snmpwalk -Cp -On -v 1 -c comunity localhost
Variables found: 0
The same happens if I do it a bit further up the tree:
[host] snmpwalk -Cp -On -v 1 -c comunity localhost .
Only the values from dsEntityEntry are returned.
I am lost here...
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