Hi Folks,
I have a weird issue that I can't find much information about.
We have a single-master replication setup, with the supplier replicating
to two consumers. The software is the same on all three systems
(fedora-ds-1.1.3-1) installed from packages. These are all new RHEL5.4
systems, i386 arch with 8G of RAM running the latest PAE kernel.
The error received is as follows ...
On the supplier ...
[10/Nov/2009:11:52:20 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=Gaia to
Nyx" (nyx:389): Replica has a different generation ID than the local data.
Lots of those, then the replication fails.
On the consumer ...
[10/Nov/2009:10:52:21 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
replica_replace_ruv_tombstone: failed to update replication update
vector for replica dc=unb,dc=ca: LDAP error - 1
Earlier attempts to create a replica have resulted in a File not found
error, as for some reason, all of the db4 files in the userRoot
(/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-nyx/db) mysteriously disappeared.
Thoughts? We have beeen pouring over this for a bit now. Before we
went production, I was able to create replicas from the single supplier
to multiple consumers with no issues. We tested replication by updating
the supplier, and replication was spot on. Once we went production,
replication went to hell, and now even the simple task of creating a
replica is causing us no end of grief.
Thanks in advance.
Terry Soucy
Terry Soucy, Systems Analyst Integrated Technology Services
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton Campus http://www.unbf.ca/its
Voice: 506.447.3018 Fax: 506.453.3590 E-mail: tsoucy@xxxxxx
** ITS is a scent-reduced workplace - www.unbf.ca/its/policies **
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