Rich Megginson wrote:
James Roman wrote:
Very first impression during installation. There is a weird chicken
and egg problem. Installation fails because it can not start the
passsync service. Service start-up fails because it can not establish
an SSL connection. NSS database for SSL needs to be in the directory
that is created during the install process. So you have to create a
NSS database ahead of time, initiate the install process, when the
service start up fails, drop your NSS database into the folder "389
directory password synchronization" folder and then hit "retry" to
start up the service so that the installation completes successfully.
What platform? What you are describing was a bug in the PassSync
1.1.1 package that should have been fixed in 1.1.2. If you are sure
you're using the 1.1.2 package, then try this:
open a cmd window
msiexec /i \path\to\389-PassSync-1.1.2-x86_64.msi /l*v inst.log
check inst.log for sensitive information
paste inst.log to and email the link to the list
Same problem on a Windows 2008R2 32 bits ; the log file of installation
is :
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