[389-users] Re: Windows Sync

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Emmanuel BILLOT a écrit :
Windows Sync does not work.
We use administrtor account to bind.

Ok i found what was wrong.
First do not forget to give AD replication user replication rights.
There was an error when creating replication.

AD names OU objetcs with a CN= whereas real LDAP uses OU=


Extract from log :

02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] - _csngen_adjust_local_time: gen state before 4ac618150001:1254496277:0:0 [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] - _csngen_adjust_local_time: gen state after 4ac6181a0000:1254496282:0:0 [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_add_csn_inprogress: successfully inserted csn 4ac6181a000000010000 into pending list [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - csn=4ac6181a000000010000 process postop: canceling operation csn [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - add operation of entry uid=zizou,ou=People,ou=orleans,dc=ird,dc=fr returned: 32 [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - received entry from dirsync: CN=Duplicateurs,CN=Builtin,DC=maqird,DC=fr [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - received entry from dirsync: CN=Administrateurs de l'entreprise,CN=Users,DC=maqird,DC=fr [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - received entry from dirsync: CN=jean bon,OU=utilisateurs,OU=ORLEANS,DC=maqird,DC=fr [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: looking for local entry matching AD entry [CN=jean bon,OU=utilisateurs,OU=ORLEANS,DC=maqird,DC=fr] [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: looking for local entry by guid [6615b9abafd05c4da997ca3c89b7ab1b] [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: problem looking for guid: -1 [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: looking for local entry by uid [bon] [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: problem looking for username: -1 [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] - Windows sync entry: Adding new local entry dn: uid=bon,ou=People,ou=orleans,dc=ird,dc=fr
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalperson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: ntUser
ntUserDeleteAccount: true
uid: bon
sn: bon
givenName: jean
cn: jean bon
ntUserCodePage: 0
ntUserAcctExpires: 9223372036854775807
ntUserDomainId: bon
ntUniqueId: 6615b9abafd05c4da997ca3c89b7ab1b

[02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_add_csn_inprogress: successfully inserted csn 4ac6181a000100010000 into pending list [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - csn=4ac6181a000100010000 process postop: canceling operation csn [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - add operation of entry uid=bon,ou=People,ou=orleans,dc=ird,dc=fr returned: 32 [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - received entry from dirsync: OU=utilisateurs,OU=ORLEANS,DC=maqird,DC=fr [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: looking for local entry matching AD entry [OU=utilisateurs,OU=ORLEANS,DC=maqird,DC=fr] [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: looking for local entry by guid [6bb1176df971904f9e2ea760d58ac3b3] [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: problem looking for guid: -1 [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: AD entry has no username! [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): windows_process_dirsync_entry: failed to map inbound entry OU=utilisateurs,OU=ORLEANS,DC=maqird,DC=fr - rc is -1 dn is [null]. [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - received entry from dirsync: CN=Administrateurs du schéma,CN=Users,DC=maqird,DC=fr [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - received entry from dirsync: CN=Admins du domaine,CN=Users,DC=maqird,DC=fr [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - received entry from dirsync: OU=ORLEANS,DC=maqird,DC=fr [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): Beginning linger on the connection [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): windows_tot_run: failed to obtain data to send to the consumer; LDAP error - 32 [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): No linger to cancel on the connection [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): Disconnected from the consumer [02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): State: start -> ready_to_acquire_replica
[02/Oct/2009:17:11:22 +0200] - acquire_replica, supplier RUV:
[02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - supplier: {replicageneration} 4a1e8d0b000000010000 [02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - supplier: {replica 1 ldap://obiwan:389} 4a1e9575000000010000 4ac616f7000100010000 4ac616f8
[02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] - acquire_replica, consumer RUV:
[02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] - acquire_replica, consumer RUV = null
[02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] - acquire_replica, supplier RUV is newer
[02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): Trying secure slapi_ldap_init_ext [02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): binddn = cn=administrateur,cn=Users,dc=maqird,dc=fr, passwd = {DES}NfWmOGRvsgfwJqTMBJagtA== [02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] - windows_conn_connect : detected Win2k3 peer [02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): No linger to cancel on the connection [02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] - _csngen_adjust_local_time: gen state before 4ac6181a0002:1254496282:0:0 [02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] - _csngen_adjust_local_time: gen state after 4ac6181b0000:1254496283:0:0 [02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - windows_acquire_replica returned success (101) [02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): State: ready_to_acquire_replica -> sending_updates [02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): Replica has no update vector. It has never been initialized. [02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): Beginning linger on the connection [02/Oct/2009:17:11:23 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=x" (maqsvrdc0001:636): Linger timeout has expired on the connection

Emmanuel BILLOT
IRD - Orléans
Délégation aux Systèmes d'Information (DSI)
tél : 02 38 49 95 88

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