Kimmo Koivisto wrote:
specify "dn" as the attribute to return - just add it to the end of the command line - also add -LLL to the ldapsearch command line to make it less verboseHello This was what I needed to search entries: ldapsearch -x -b xx -D xxx -w xxx "(&(cn=*)(modifytimestamp<=2009092513000000Z)(objectclass=person))" But then, how to pipe ldapsearch and ldapdelete to delete the result dn's of ldapsearch?
you will then have output like dn: somedn blank line repeat.....You will have to use sed/awk/perl to strip the "dn: " from the DNs, and ignore the blank lines
Regards, Kimmo 2009/9/25 Kimmo Koivisto <koippa@xxxxxxxxx>:Hello Thanks for your answer. I know about those timestamps, but I don't know if I can compare timestamps with ldapsearch. So, is it possible to compare or search entries older that defined timestamp, for example: ldapsearch "(objectClass=*)" * modifyTimestamp>20090801000000Z or how I could do this? Regards, Kimmo 2009/9/25 Juan Asensio Sánchez <okelet@xxxxxxxxx>:Hi All entries in the directory have some operational attributes called createTimestamp, modifiTimestamp, creatorsName and modifiersName. With them, you can check when an entry has been created or modified, and who did it. I think this is what you are looking for. Those attributes, thar are operational, are not returned when you ask for all attributes, you must specify their names manually: ldapsearch ...... "(objectClass=*)" * createTimestamp Regards 2009/9/25 Kimmo Koivisto <koippa@xxxxxxxxx>:Hello I'm using fedora-ds-1.0.4-1.RHEL4 and I have an application that creates and modifies entries located in FDS. Application does not remote old entries, and I cannot change how application works. I would like to delete entries that are not modified recently with either plain ldapsearch+ldapdelete or using some FDS tools, perl scipt etc. So, my question is, what is the easiest way to delete entries, for example older that 3 months? Regards, Kimmo -- 389 users mailing list 389-users@xxxxxxxxxx 389 users mailing list 389-users@xxxxxxxxxx 389 users mailing list 389-users@xxxxxxxxxx
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