Rich Megginson a écrit :
Hugo Etievant wrote:
I have more informations about this error.
In fact the error message "No entries yet" replace the old message
"Failed to load entries from file" that means the file
"%sysPath\\system32\\passhook.dat" used by passsync service can not
store password in this passhook.dat file
cf :
I have restarted the windows box after instaling PassSync.msi in
order to have the passhook.dll plugin registered.
But that do not solve my problem.
Why entries can not be loaded from passhook file ?
Because there are no entries in the file. Try changing the password
of a user on the Windows box.
I change user password (many times, for many users) on the Windows box,
but I have the same message "No entries yet" each time.
The same error occurs when user password is reset by Administrator.
Reboot of Windows Server do not change the facts.
* Hugo Étiévant
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