--- Begin Message ---
Title: Proxy authorization required
This is related to the nsslapd-idlistscanlimit attribute. See the text below (extracted from Redhat Doc):
In Directory Server, when examining
an index, if more than a certain number of entries are found, the
server stops reading the index and marks the search as unindexed for
that particular index.
The threshold number of entries is called the idlistscanlimit
and is configured with the nsslapd-idlistscanlimit
configuration attribute. The default value is 4000
which is designed to give good performance for a common range of
database sizes and access patterns. Typically, it is not necessary to
change this value. However, in rare circumstances it may be possible to
improve search performance with a different value. For example,
lowering the value will improve performance for searches that will
otherwise eventually hit the default limit of 4000. This might reduce
performance for other searches that benefit from indexing. Conversely,
increasing the limit could improve performance for searches that were
previously hitting the limit. With a higher limit, these searches could
benefit from indexing where previously they did not.
More information:
Em 03/07/2009 às 10:52 horas, fedora-directory-users@xxxxxxxxxx escreveu:
I have a search problem with Fedora DS 1.1.3.
My directory has an extended schema on the objectClass "inetOrgPerson".
It contains 350000 inetOrgPerson objects.
When I proceed a search with that kind of filter (cn=smith*) or
(uid=25698*) the response comes 1 minute later with a error code 11.
Indexes on cn and uid attribute are on equality, presence and
substring. I have recreated (plus reindexed) this attribute.
I put the look-through-limit to infinity though I don't have the errror
code 11 anymore but I have to wait a very long time the response.
In the log, I found "etime=77 notes=U" which means that the search does
not use the indexes.
I have done the same requests with a "native" schema : it works
perfectly. So, it is my extended schema which causes the problem.
Can the Fedora DS (or 389 DS) deal with extended schema ?
Does anybody met this problem ? Is there a solution for forcing FDS to
use the indexes ?
Thanks you
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Proxy authorization required
Username authentication is required for using this proxy.
Either your browser does not perform proxy authorization, or your
authorization has failed.
--- End Message ---
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