[389-users] Fail to sync with active directory

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I tried to sync the FDS with Active directory, i follow the instructions read in http://www.linuxmail.info/ad-fds-sync-howto/ except that I create a branch dc=ad and ou=DR15 (organizational unit) (and 2 databases under the root suffix dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr)

the FDS is version 1.2.0 and I upgrade this morning from fedora 10 to Fedora 11

I try to synchronise with this parameters :

DS host : aragon.dr15.cnrs.fr , port 389
Windows host : zebigbos.ad.dr15.cnrs.fr , port 636
DS subtree : ou=DR15,dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr
Windows Subtree : ou=DR15,dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr
Replicated Subtree : ou=DR15,dc=ad,dc=dr15,dc=cnrs,dc=fr

I actived the log errors (level replication) and I get many lines
I extract few below :

[10/Jun/2009:12:45:26 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - received entry from dirsync: CN=Chardron,OU=utilisateurs,OU=DR15,DC=ad,DC=dr15,DC=cnrs,DC=fr [10/Jun/2009:12:45:26 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=zebigbos" (zebigbos:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: looking for local entry matching AD entry [CN=Chardron,OU=utilisateurs,OU=DR15,DC=ad,DC=dr15,DC=cnrs,DC=fr] [10/Jun/2009:12:45:26 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=zebigbos" (zebigbos:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: looking for local entry by guid [c107390bd3669f4ca8b074de2af86397] [10/Jun/2009:12:45:26 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=zebigbos" (zebigbos:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: problem looking for guid: -1 [10/Jun/2009:12:45:26 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=zebigbos" (zebigbos:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: looking for local entry by uid [chardron] [10/Jun/2009:12:45:26 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=zebigbos" (zebigbos:636): map_entry_dn_inbound: problem looking for username: -1 [10/Jun/2009:12:45:26 +0200] - Windows sync entry: Adding new local entry dn: uid=chardron,OU=utilisateurs,ou=DR15,dc=ad,dc=dr15, dc=cnrs, dc=fr
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalperson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: ntUser
ntUserDeleteAccount: true
uid: chardron
sn: Chardron
postalCode: 33402
physicalDeliveryOfficeName:: bsKwIDIxMg==
givenName: Jean-Noel
initials: jnc
cn: Chardron
ntUserCodePage: 0
ntUserAcctExpires: 9223372036854775807
ntUserDomainId: chardron
mail: Jean-Noel.Chardron@xxxxxxxxxxxx
ntUniqueId: c107390bd3669f4ca8b074de2af86397

[10/Jun/2009:12:45:26 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin - add operation of entry uid=chardron,OU=utilisateurs,ou=DR15,dc=ad,dc=dr15, dc=cnrs, dc=fr returned: 32

So it fails but why and  what is the code error "32" ?
Previously yesterday evening when I tried with Fedora 10 I got the return code "10" however I forgot the parameters used.

Jean-Noel Chardron

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