Rich Megginson a écrit :
Emmanuel BILLOT wrote:
Emmanuel BILLOT a écrit :
There is a strange behaviour on our FDS servers...
We want to replicate a 12000 entries database between 2 FDS. At the
replication agrement end, we 've got an "Unwilling to perform" with "
[13/May/2009:00:19:56 +0200] NS7bitAttr - ADD begin
[13/May/2009:00:19:56 +0200] NS7bitAttr - ADD
target=cn=t,cn=replica,cn=dc=ird\,dc=fr,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
[13/May/2009:00:19:56 +0200] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
agmtlist_add_callback: Can't start agreement
"cn=t,cn=replica,cn=dc=ird\,dc=fr,cn=mapping tree,cn=config"
in the log...
When the datablase is empty, the replication agrement creation works
How is it possible ?
Correction, even if the db is empty it fails.
How can i have other detailled logs ? Level is "replication" now.
Looks like you also have plugin level logging on too - NS7bitAttr
Can you post the exact command you are using to add the agreement, and
the relevant excerpts from the access log showing the add attempt and
The replication agrement was build with the GUI as we usually do.
I resolve this pb with :
- delete/recreate master suffixe
- delete/recreate replica suffixe
However it does not give me any answer. Never mind.
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Emmanuel BILLOT
IRD - Orléans
Délégation aux Systèmes d'Information (DSI)
tél : 02 38 49 95 88
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