John A. Sullivan III wrote:
Hello, all. I'm seeing a strange problem in our set up to synchronize
passwords between Directory Server 8.0 and Active Directory. If I
change a user's password from idm-console, the password synchronizes.
If I change it from Active Directory, the password synchronizes.
However, if the user changes their own password (they use Ubuntu 8.0.4
KDE desktops), the passwords do not synchronize. We do see an entry in
the error log:
Entry "uid=mlap,ou=Desks,o=a0,o=Int,dc=mycompany,dc=com" -- attribute "shadowLastChange" not allowed
Do your account objects have the shadowAccount objectClass?
That seemed straightforward so I checked the ACIs and we do allow users
to change this attribute:
(targetattr != "nsroledn||aci")
(version 3.0;
acl "Allow self entry modification except for nsroledn and aci
allow (read,compare,search,write)
(userdn = "ldap:///self")
Any idea why we are receiving these errors? Would this cause password
synchronization to fail? Thanks - John
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