Rich Megginson a écrit :
Emmanuel BILLOT wrote:
We've installed FDS, AD and a replication agrement.
FDS data/passwords sync with AD
AD passwords sync with FDS.
2 pbs are still unsolved :
- AD modifications (name, surname, mail) are not send or catched in FDS
I suppose you could enable the replication log level and see why this
is not working. Note that changes may take up to 5 minutes to sync
over to Fedora DS due to the way the sync works using the DirSync
- Passwords are not recognized after a Full init.
FDS => AD full init = unable to log on AD (even if we manually
activate the account)
Here is the log extract :
[26/Mar/2009:09:55:43 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=win"
(porlsvrdc0003:636): No changes to send
[26/Mar/2009:09:55:43 +0100] - Calling dirsync search request plugin
[26/Mar/2009:09:55:43 +0100] - Sending dirsync search request
[26/Mar/2009:09:55:43 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=win"
(porlsvrdc0003:636): Beginning linger on the connection
[26/Mar/2009:09:55:43 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=win"
(porlsvrdc0003:636): Linger timeout has expired on the connection
[26/Mar/2009:09:55:43 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=win"
(porlsvrdc0003:636): State: sending_updates -> wait_for_changes
[26/Mar/2009:09:55:43 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - agmt="cn=win"
(porlsvrdc0003:636): Disconnected from the consumer
I can't see any action.
Right. Passwords are not synced during full init. Full init only
uses passwords in the database which are hashed and do not sync.
FDS -> AD passwd update = passwd ok in AD
Right. Passwd update uses clear text passwords.
Anyone has an idea ?
Fedora-directory-users mailing list
Emmanuel BILLOT
IRD - Orléans
Délégation aux Systèmes d'Information (DSI)
tél : 02 38 49 95 88
Fedora-directory-users mailing list