Rich Megginson a écrit :
Emmanuel BILLOT wrote:
We've installed FDS, AD and a replication agrement.
FDS data/passwords sync with AD
AD passwords sync with FDS.
2 pbs are still unsolved :
- AD modifications (name, surname, mail) are not send or catched in FDS
I suppose you could enable the replication log level and see why this
is not working. Note that changes may take up to 5 minutes to sync
over to Fedora DS due to the way the sync works using the DirSync
I(ve enabled it but nothing else more than an empty replication try...
I thought FDS connect to AD and "ldapsearch" modified entries. I can't
see any request or update try.
- Passwords are not recognized after a Full init.
FDS => AD full init = unable to log on AD (even if we manually
activate the account)
Right. Passwords are not synced during full init. Full init only
uses passwords in the database which are hashed and do not sync.
FDS -> AD passwd update = passwd ok in AD
Right. Passwd update uses clear text passwords.
Anyone has an idea ?
Fedora-directory-users mailing list
Emmanuel BILLOT
IRD - Orléans
Délégation aux Systèmes d'Information (DSI)
tél : 02 38 49 95 88
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