Rich Megginson escribió:
Michael Ströder wrote:Sure. But it has been this way for a long time, and afaik no one has ever had a problem.Rich Megginson wrote:Rocio Quirantes wrote:Hi! I have installed Fedora DS, and I am extending my schema, I used the script to migrate some openldap schemas. The problem is that when I restart th server, I get an error about the syntax oid of an atributte that is Numeric String, but it is supposed to be supported, isn't it?No, Fedora DS does not currently support that syntax OID. You can use insteadBut if one just substitutes Numeric String with another string syntax like Directory String or IA5 String one has to be prepared that matching works slightly differently! Depending on the behaviour of the client applications that could be a problem.Ciao, Michael. -- Fedora-directory-users mailing list Fedora-directory-users@xxxxxxxxxx -- Fedora-directory-users mailing list Fedora-directory-users@xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you, I will use this syntax --Rocio Quirantes Rodal Área de Seguridad Informática
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