Every time I try to change the port on the second server to 389 it
will not start stating that the port is already in use?
Do you mean you're trying to set the secure (LDAPS) port to 389?
That won't work unless you first set your standard LDAP port to
something other than 389, and restart the server.
But, I don't think you'd want to do that.
What are you trying to do?
Richard Larson wrote:
Guy's; I'll proffer this question, knowing the answer is staring me
right in the face somewhere.
How do you get multi-masters to monitor the same port ie 389 or 636
for SSL
Every time I try to change the port on the second server to 389 it
will not start stating that the port is already in use?
Thanks in advance
Rich Larson
Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by
striking. -- William B. Sprague
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