On Nov 14, 2008, at 6:53 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:
Christopher Waltham wrote:
Hi Prabhat,
On Nov 14, 2008, at 2:16 PM, Prabhat Ranjan Pradhan wrote:
Hi Chris and all,
I too struggled for the same problem for almost 4 months. I
googled several times to find any solution.
At last I discovered a link Posted by Pieter de Rijk <http://blog.adslweb.net/serendipity/authors/1-Pieter-de-Rijk
> . I must say thanks to this gentleman who did a splendid job to
pinpoint the error.
getting hint from this link what I did is:
1. disabled SELinux
2. created a user (and default group) fedora-ds
3. installed fedora-ds using yum.
4. changed the ownership of /var/run/dirsrv to fedora-ds
# chwon -R fedora-ds:fedora-ds /var/run/dirsrv
5. started installation with setup-ds-admin.pl.
6. entered fedora-ds as user and group name when prompted by the
7. Hurray!!! my installation was successfull.
I had repeated this procedure several times on vmware virtual
machines runing fedora9 and fedora8.
Thanks for the note! I'm using VMware ESX so I'm taking snapshots
to make troubleshooting easier.
I didn't realize SELinux was still enabled, so I disabled it. Then
I followed the rest of your instructions, but I still had problems:
Are you ready to set up your servers? [yes]: Creating directory
server . . .
Your new DS instance 'ldap' was successfully created.
Creating the configuration directory server . . .
The suffix 'o=NetscapeRoot' already exists. Config entry DN
'cn="o=NetscapeRoot",cn=mapping tree,cn=config'.
That's using fedora-ds as both user and group. Curiously, if I do a
chmod/chown and set /var/run/dirsrv to to nobody:nobody (and then
choose the "nobody" user in setup-ds-admin.pl), I get exactly the
same problem...
This looks like a different problem. This is what usually happens
if you run setup again without having first cleaned up everything
from the prior run. One problem with setup-ds-admin.pl is that you
cannot simply run it again - it will detect the previous
configuration (however broken it may be).
That's what I thought -- and can't understand. :) This is a fresh
install of RHEL; I did a find / -name dirsrv and it came up with nada.
Zero. Zilch! I'm not sure what else to look for?
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