I have an existing populated directory supporting a live application.
The next development version will have some fairly large scale changes -
changes to schema, objectClasses, attribute names and attribute values -
but I can't lose the actual data we already have.
The approach I've been trying is:
1. Use db2ldif to dump the groups and users (the only bit of the data
which is 'mine') from the live directory on the live system:
/usr/lib/dirsrv/slapd-flame/db2ldif -U -n userRoot -a
/opt/backups/original.ldif -s "dc=lse,dc=ac,dc=uk" -s "ou=My Groups" -s
"ou=My Users"
2. Edit the ldif file with the changes I need
3. Load the ldif file into a new fedora directory on my development
system with ldif2db.pl:
/usr/lib/dirsrv/slapd-dam/ldif2db.pl -D "cn=directory manager" -w MYPASS
-n userRoot -s "dc=lse,dc=ac,dc=uk" -s "ou=New Groups" -s "ou=New
Users" -i /opt/backups/new.ldif
ldif2db.pl terminates almost immediately, clearly without having read
most of the file. The fedora log shows:
[14/Nov/2008:11:35:54 +0000] conn=2 op=1 ADD
dn="cn=import_2008_11_14_11_35_55, cn=import, cn=tasks, cn=config"
[14/Nov/2008:11:35:54 +0000] conn=2 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=105 nentries=0
If I repeat the operation I get 'operation error'; and if I try to
access the directory, it appears to be completely empty.
So, two questions:
- is this a reasonable way to go about this task, or are there other
tools I should use?
- any suggestions for debugging?
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