On 13 Nov 2008, at 13:57, Hugo Etievant wrote:
The admin manual say : "Synchronization occurs every five minutes.
However, an incremental update can be done manually if there are
changes that need synchronized immediately." ( http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/dir-server/ag/8.0/
Windows_Sync-Using_Windows_Sync.html )
But my tests show that the synchro of users accounts, passwords and
attributes of entries is being in real time between FDS and Active
Directory without forcing "receive and send update" action in Fedora
IDM Console !
From my experience, it is real time from FDS -> AD but every 5 mins
from AD -> FDS. Presumably this is because all the replication (with
the exception of passwords going from AD -> FDS) is performed by FDS.
FDS knows when an event occurs in FDS and can replicate it immediately
to AD but has to poll (every 5 mins) for an event in AD.
What are the real rules and frequencies of synchronization ?
How can we change those parameters ?
I am not sure but I expect you have to change the code.
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