Rich Megginson wrote:
sigid@JINLab wrote:
Rich Megginson wrote:
sigid@JINLab wrote:
Rich Megginson wrote:
beto .. wrote:
*When I start fedora-idm-console i get this message: password
incorrect or directory problem
any solution for this problem? Help me please!
fedora-idm-console -D 9 -f console.log
Then check console.log
It seems like http response time out problem but my web server has
been run well.
Open a web browser on the same machine (the same machine from which
you are attempting to run the console) and try to go to url
i tried to access using firefox and no time out message but i'm
waiting forever because no login form appears.
Do you see a connection attempt in the admin server access log? Could
this be a DNS or firewall issue?
There is no changes on access log (using tail -f /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-jstsvr3/access)
To make sure that there is no problem with DNS and firewall, this what i do:
1. querying ldap database using command "ldapsearch -x -h jstsvr3" both from local (jstsvr3) and
remote host.
==> result is OK (viewing responses and entries)
2. accessing web page using firefox executed on local (jstsvr3) and remote host.
==> result is OK (viewing testpage)
Is there anything i can do for testing?
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