Hi Rich,
I erased all and reinstalled the directory server.
setup-ds.pl works.
setup-ds-admin.pl fails.
If I use the user fedorads it dumps this:
The interactive phase is complete. The script will now set up your
servers. Enter No or go Back if you want to change something.
Are you ready to set up your servers? [yes]:
Creating directory server . . .
Could not import LDIF file '/tmp/ldifvPddDG.ldif'. Error: 256. Output:
importing data ...
Error - Problem accessing the lockfile /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-nass/lock
[12/May/2008:21:21:07 +0200] - Shutting down due to possible conflicts
with other slapd processes
Error: Could not create directory server instance 'nass'.
Exiting . . .
Log file is '/tmp/setupwcE4ar.log'
[root@nass /]#
If I use the user nobody, this happens:
The interactive phase is complete. The script will now set up your
servers. Enter No or go Back if you want to change something.
Are you ready to set up your servers? [yes]:
Creating directory server . . .
Your new DS instance 'nass' was successfully created.
Creating the configuration directory server . . .
Error: failed to open an LDAP connection to host 'nass.vorlon.lan' port
'389' as user 'cn=Directory Manager'. Error: unknown.
Failed to create the configuration directory server
Exiting . . .
Log file is '/tmp/setupnRPVCv.log'
[root@nass /]#
I found this in /var/log/dirsrvr/slapd-nass/error
[12/May/2008:21:25:36 +0200] - dblayer_instance_start: pagesize: 4096,
pages: 128766, procpages: 7659
[12/May/2008:21:25:36 +0200] - cache autosizing: import cache: 204800k
[12/May/2008:21:25:36 +0200] - li_import_cache_autosize: 50,
import_pages: 51200, pagesize: 4096
[12/May/2008:21:25:36 +0200] - mkdir_p /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-nass/db:
error -5966 (Access Denied.)
[12/May/2008:21:25:36 +0200] - Can't start because the database
directory "/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-nass/db" either doesn't exist, or is
not accessible
[12/May/2008:21:25:36 +0200] - ERROR: Failed to init database (error -1:
Unknown error: -1)
[12/May/2008:21:28:35 +0200] - dblayer_instance_start: pagesize: 4096,
pages: 128766, procpages: 7659
[12/May/2008:21:28:35 +0200] - cache autosizing: import cache: 204800k
[12/May/2008:21:28:35 +0200] - li_import_cache_autosize: 50,
import_pages: 51200, pagesize: 4096
[12/May/2008:21:28:35 +0200] - WARNING: Import is running with
nsslapd-db-private-import-mem on; No other process is allowed to access
the database
[12/May/2008:21:28:35 +0200] - dblayer_instance_start: pagesize: 4096,
pages: 128766, procpages: 7659
[12/May/2008:21:28:35 +0200] - cache autosizing: import cache: 204800k
[12/May/2008:21:28:35 +0200] - li_import_cache_autosize: 50,
import_pages: 51200, pagesize: 4096
[12/May/2008:21:28:35 +0200] - import userRoot: Beginning import job...
[12/May/2008:21:28:35 +0200] - import userRoot: Index buffering enabled
with bucket size 100
[12/May/2008:21:28:35 +0200] - import userRoot: Processing file
[12/May/2008:21:28:35 +0200] - import userRoot: Finished scanning file
"/tmp/ldifi0UXEb.ldif" (9 entries)
[12/May/2008:21:28:36 +0200] - import userRoot: Workers finished;
cleaning up...
[12/May/2008:21:28:36 +0200] - import userRoot: Workers cleaned up.
[12/May/2008:21:28:36 +0200] - import userRoot: Cleaning up producer
[12/May/2008:21:28:36 +0200] - import userRoot: Indexing complete.
[12/May/2008:21:28:36 +0200] - import userRoot: Flushing caches...
[12/May/2008:21:28:36 +0200] - import userRoot: Closing files...
[12/May/2008:21:28:36 +0200] - All database threads now stopped
[12/May/2008:21:28:36 +0200] - import userRoot: Import complete.
Processed 9 entries in 1 seconds. (9.00 entries/sec)
[12/May/2008:21:28:36 +0200] - Fedora-Directory/1.1.0 B2008.107.1816
starting up
[12/May/2008:21:28:37 +0200] - I'm resizing my cache now...cache was
209715200 and is now 8000000
[12/May/2008:21:28:37 +0200] - slapd started. Listening on All
Interfaces port 389 for LDAP requests
The port 389 is running, so the ldap-server seems to be up. But the
admin-console does not work.
cu romal
Rich Megginson schrieb:
Robert M. Albrecht wrote:
I installed DS 1.1 on F9. The installation works without problems, the
server runs but management does not work. I can`t logon with
cn=Directory Manager.
Trying to start the daemon:
[root@nass init.d]# /etc/init.d/dirsrv-admin start
Starting dirsrv-admin:
grep: /etc/dirsrv/admin-serv/adm.conf: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht
/var/run/dirsrv is not writable for
[root@nass init.d]#
[root@nass /]# start-ds-admin
ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/libssl3.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
preloaded: ignored.
ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/libssl3.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be
preloaded: ignored.
(2)No such file or directory: httpd.worker: could not open error log
file /var/log/dirsrv/admin-serv/error.
Unable to open logs
[root@nass /]#
Used Versions:
[root@nass init.d]# rpm --query fedora-ds
[root@nass init.d]# cat /etc/fedora-release
Fedora release 9 (Sulphur)
Is this a known bug ? Should it work, or did I something wrong ?
Looks like setup-ds-admin.pl did not complete successfully? Also do
rpm -qi fedora-ds-base
rpm -qi fedora-ds-admin
You might want to just start over again - yum erase fedora-ds-base - and
reinstall and try again.
cu romal
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