Luigi Santangelo wrote:
You can't pre-hash the password on the client side if you want it to be properly sync'd to AD. The client needs to provide it's password to FDS in the clear, preferably over LDAPS or using a SASL mechanism that provides confidentiality. FDS will then hash it according to the default password hash storage scheme config setting. The clear password will be provided to AD over LDAPS so AD can hash it using the hashing scheme it needs.Hi everybody, this is my problem:I configured my Fedora DS and now I can sync the LDAP's users with Windows 2003 Active Directory. Then, I created a new user with this code ldifdn: uid=red,ou=Other,ou=Students,ou=People,dc=xxxxx,dc=xx givenName: red sn: red objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: inetorgperson objectClass: ntuser uid: red ntUserCreateNewAccount: true ntUserDeleteAccount: true cn: red ntUserDomainId: red userPassword: redpwd creatorsName: uid=root,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement, o=netscaperoot modifiersName: uid=root,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement, o=netscaperoot createTimestamp: 20080318153555Z modifyTimestamp: 20080318153555Z nsUniqueId: f8f6c801-f50011dc-80ebbfe2-cc3ccdaeNote that I wrote the user's password in "clear". Now, I can logon the Windows AD with the username red and the password redpwd.Then I added another user (yellow) with this code ldif dn: uid=yellow,ou=Other,ou=Students,ou=People,dc=xxxxx,dc=xx givenName: yellow sn: yellow objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: inetorgperson objectClass: ntuser uid: yellow ntUserCreateNewAccount: true ntUserDeleteAccount: true cn: yellow ntUserDomainId: yellow userPassword: {MD5}8cb32079718c657b02bbbb176b97d030 creatorsName: uid=root,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement, o=netscaperoot modifiersName: uid=root,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement, o=netscaperoot createTimestamp: 20080318153555Z modifyTimestamp: 20080318153555Z nsUniqueId: f8f6c801-f50011dc-80ebbfe2-cc3ccdae Note the MD5(yellowpwd) = 8cb32079718c657b02bbbb176b97d030Then If I try logon the Windows AD (from Windows) with the username yellow and the password yellowred, I cannot log in. Instead, if I try logon the Windows AD with the username yellow and thepassword {MD5}8cb32079718c657b02bbbb176b97d030 I can log in.Do you think that this is a problem strictly related to Windows' problem? How can I get over it?
Thank you in advance. ______________________________________________ Adotta un bambino a distanza. Avrà vestiti, cibo, scuola?e avrà te! -- Fedora-directory-users mailing list Fedora-directory-users@xxxxxxxxxx
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