El 25/03/2008, a las 19:28, James escribió:
Hi All,
I have a set of directory servers with multi-master replicaiton. On
one of
the two master servers, I see this log:
[25/Mar/2008:14:26:42 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - conn=5 op=6
Can't created glue entry
uid=soleotester,ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com uniqueid
=96a7eb81-1dd111b2-8016d669-d3980000, error 68
[25/Mar/2008:14:26:42 -0400] NSMMReplicationPlugin - conn=5 op=6
Can't created glue entry
uid=soleotester,ou=people,dc=soleocommunications,dc=com uniqueid
=96a7eb81-1dd111b2-8016d669-d3980000, error 68
The logs is repeated once per second (there are two in this copy/
paste). I
have a high-level understanding of what a glue entry is, and why one
would be
created, but why can't this server create one in this instance?
And, is
there anything I can do to fix this repeated log?
Hi James,
We had the same problem. It seemed to me that mmr plugin could not
create the entry because it was created and specified to be a root-of-
replication suffix after it (or another suffix parented to it) was
still being replicated.
So, in our case, as we had the directory not populated... recreating
the tree before starting replication was enougth for us to solve it.
Maybe you should get the sucessfull behavior removing manually the
changelog, reseting the replication states that affect the non-
creatable-entry and reinitializing them, but no warranty. I suppose
also that it should be fixed in incremental way by removing the
affected entry in the server causing the error (consumer) and force
the replication supplier to populate it.
I'm not sure either on if problem comes from the local integrity
caused by the unique entry id of the entry.
Sorry for my bad english.
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