Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
Masato Taruishi wrote:
Rich Megginson wrote:
Ben wrote:
Rich Megginson wrote:
Ben wrote:
Rich Megginson wrote:
Ben wrote:
Does FDS support Paged Results?
Fedora DS does not support the LDAPv3 Paged Results feature.
Fedora DS does support VLV (Virtual List View) which can be used
to page through many entries. This is what the console refers to
as a "Browsing Index".
Thanks for the info.
OK, so how would i go about using VLV in 'perl' and 'php'?
You can use Net::LDAP to create and parse the VLV controls using the
Convert::ASN1 package. Not sure about php.
There is a "Net::LDAP::Control::VLV" perl module. i have not been
able to get it work. Is there some preparation that needs to be done
on the FDS server to allow/support it?
Yes. Check the documentation. Not sure where it is documented
though. You have to configure it then use the db_index command to
create the index.
And how does that affect 'nss_ldap' with "nss_paged_results yes"
and "pagesize 1000" set?
If the paged results control is not marked critical, fedora ds will
ignore it. So it will have no effect.
I assume you mean in bugzilla?
? bugzilla ?
Sorry i thought you were referring to getting paged support added to
FDS, what do you mean "If the paged results control is not marked
critical, fedora ds will ignore it." with reference to 'nss_ldap'?
nss_ldap doesn't seem to set the criticality of the paged result
rc = ldap_carete_page_control(__session.ls_conn,
NULL, 0, &serverCtrls[0]);
which means fedora-ds just ignore the control.
I don't think any client really needs that control. The only reason
many were forced into at least __knowing__ about it is that Active
Directory returns pagedResults response even if not requested, in
blatant violation of LDAPv3. So both the users and the developers of
FDS can safely ignore its existence. Only client developers need to
know about it if they want their clients to be able to interoperate with AD.
If i recall correctly the reason i started using paged results was to
exceed the 'sizelimit' restriction when i was using OpenLDAP. i.e. if
"sizelimit = 100" you could get 300 results using paged results.
So in relation to 'nss_ldap' isn't that what the "nss_paged_results yes"
and "pagesize 1000" options are good for? So with a directory of >2000
users nss_ldap could get them all when the server has sizelimit set to
say 1000.
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