El 08/01/2008, a las 18:51, kiran madala escribió:
/usr/sbin/start-ds-admin: line 66: 3158 Segmentation fault
$SELINUX_CMD $HTTPD $OMIT_DEFLATE -k start -f /etc/dirsrv/admin-serv/
httpd.conf "$@"
What could be the issue?
I had the same problem with 1.1 beta on Centos 5 (it "should be" like
fedora 6).
It finally worked after upgrading from scratch to Centos 5.1 and
installing the 1.1 release.
I don't know the reason of the fault. Try to upgrade. If it still not
working maybe i/we can assist you in the SSL Cert deployment.
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