I've taken over control of an FDS and an AD server which had been set
up before I got to it. I'm still fairly new to LDAP and related
things. I come from a unix background rather than windows.
At some point, users put into FDS were replicated on the AD server
correctly. Subsequently, the flat "structure" of the users in FDS
was improved to be more hierarchical. However, new users added into
FDS are not being added into AD. I'm also not familiar enough with
AD to know where to see the OU structure that is present in FDS in
AD. I'm not even sure if AD would have that structure. I'm at a bit
of a loss as to how to start diagnosing where the problem is, let
alone fixing it.
I've looked at http://directory.fedoraproject.org/wiki/
Howto:WindowsSync but as that is focussed on setting it up initially,
I'm not sure how much of it applies.
Help on how to start solving this welcomed.
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