Re: Error Logging Performance

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David Boreham wrote:
Roman RATHLER wrote:
If I activate error logging for ACL Control Summary or similar, the machine totaly goes into IO-Wait. It just writes maybe 100K/second but is totaly unusable any more... From normal 1% CPU Load (on a 2 Way Xeon) it moves to 200% CPU Utilization.
Debugging ACLs therefore is nearly impossible on a productive system...

We run the Fedora-DS 1.0.4 (fedora-ds-1.0.4-1.RHEL4) on an up2date CentOS System... Is there any perfomance tuning option like with the log-buffering for access log. I can't see, why logging kills the machine!
Errors often occur before a crash, and therefore the error log
is flushed to persistent store often in order to improve the chances
that any message emitted before a crash will be retained.

I seem to remember that buffering can be enabled on the error log
but I can't remember the details. Probably in the documentation somewhere though. I think the underlying code is the same for the error log vs. the access log (which is optimized for performance by default) , so it should be possible
to configure the error log to buffer.
I don't think this is possible. It looks like only the access log has this switch.

Alternatively you could put the error log file on a ramdisk.
Another option is to replace the error log file with a named pipe. The other end of the pipe is connected to a python script that keeps a circular log buffer in memory. The script below allows you to configure the size of that buffer, and if you want to use a fifo for the access and audit logs.

Fedora-directory-users mailing list

import sys
import os
import errno
import time
import ldif

errlogfifo = '/tmp/errlogfifo'
accesslogfifo = '/tmp/accesslogfifo'
auditlogfifo = '/tmp/auditlogfifo'

instdir = "/opt/redhat-ds/slapd-localhost"
maxbufsize = 1000 # set on command line
errorloglevel = '0' # set on command line
doaccesslog = False
doauditlog = False

class LDIFFilter(ldif.LDIFCopy):
  Copy LDIF input to LDIF output allowing entry mods

  def __init__(
    See LDIFParser.__init__() and LDIFWriter.__init__()

  def handle(self,dn,entry):
    Write single LDIF record to output file.
    if dn == "cn=config":
        entry['nsslapd-errorlog-level'] = [errorloglevel]
        entry['nsslapd-errorlog-maxlogsperdir'] = [str(1)]
        entry['nsslapd-errorlog'] = [errlogfifo]
        if doaccesslog:
            entry['nsslapd-accesslog-maxlogsperdir'] = [str(1)]
            entry['nsslapd-accesslog-logbuffering'] = ['off']
            entry['nsslapd-accesslog-logging-enabled'] = ['on']
            entry['nsslapd-accesslog'] = [accesslogfifo]
        if doauditlog:
            entry['nsslapd-auditlog-maxlogsperdir'] = [str(1)]
            entry['nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled'] = ['on']
            entry['nsslapd-auditlog'] = [auditlogfifo]

def save_server_config(instdir):
    dseldif = instdir + "/config/dse.ldif"
    dsesave = instdir + "/config/"
    os.system("cp %s %s" % (dseldif, dsesave))

def restore_server_config(instdir):
    dseldif = instdir + "/config/dse.ldif"
    dsesave = instdir + "/config/"
    os.system("cp %s %s" % (dsesave, dseldif))

def change_server_config(instdir):
    dseldif = instdir + "/config/dse.ldif"
    dsesave = instdir + "/config/"
    input = open(dsesave, "r")
    output = open(dseldif, "w")
    ldif = LDIFFilter(input, output)

def getargs():
    global instdir, maxbufsize, errorloglevel, doaccesslog, doauditlog
    instdir = sys.argv[1]
    maxbufsize = int(sys.argv[2])
    errorloglevel = sys.argv[3]
    if len(sys.argv) > 4:
        doaccesslog = True
    if len(sys.argv) > 5:
        doauditlog = True

def mkfifos():
    if doaccesslog:
    if doauditlog:

def rmfifos():
    for fname in [errlogfifo, errlogfifo + ".rotationinfo",
                  accesslogfifo, accesslogfifo + ".rotationinfo",
                  auditlogfifo, auditlogfifo + ".rotationinfo"]:
        except OSError, e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                print "Notice: file not found", fname
                raise Exception, "%s [%d]" % (e.strerror, e.errno)

def start_server(instdir,errlogfifo):
    print "Starting server %s" % instdir
    os.system(instdir + "/start-slapd > " + errlogfifo + " 2>&1 &")
    print "Started server %s" % instdir

def buffer_log(logfifo,maxbufsize):
    pid = os.fork()
    if pid == 0:
        buffer = []
        totallines = 0
        print "Listening to fifo ", logfifo
        for line in open(logfifo, 'r'):
            totallines = totallines + 1
            if len(buffer) > maxbufsize:
                del buffer[0]

        print logfifo, "=" * 60
        print "Read %d total lines" % totallines
        output = open(logfifo + ".log", "w")

    return pid
def run():
    print "Starting"
    print "Using %s %d %s" % (instdir, maxbufsize, errorloglevel)
    print "Created fifos"
    print "Saved server config"
    print "Changed server config"
    if doauditlog:
        auditpid = buffer_log(auditlogfifo, maxbufsize)
        print "Started buffer logger for", auditlogfifo, "pid =", auditpid
    pid = buffer_log(errlogfifo, maxbufsize)
    print "Started buffer logger for", errlogfifo, "pid =", pid
    start_server(instdir, errlogfifo)
    if doaccesslog:
        accesspid = buffer_log(accesslogfifo, maxbufsize)
        print "Started buffer logger for", accesslogfifo, "pid =", accesspid
    (mypid, status) = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
    print "buffer logger", errlogfifo, "exited with status =", status
    if doaccesslog:
        (mypid, status) = os.waitpid(accesspid, 0)
        print "buffer logger", accesslogfifo, "exited with status =", status
    if doauditlog:
        (mypid, status) = os.waitpid(auditpid, 0)
        print "buffer logger", auditlogfifo, "exited with status =", status

def usage():
    print "%s instancedir numlines errloglevel [accesslog] [auditlog]" % sys.argv[0]
    print "e.g. %s /opt/redhat-ds/slapd-foo 1000 8192" % sys.argv[0]
    print "This will capture the last 1000 lines to the error log with log level 8192"
    print "     %s /opt/redhat-ds/slapd-foo 1000 8192 1" % sys.argv[0]
    print "Like above, but also capture the access log output"
    print "     %s /opt/redhat-ds/slapd-foo 1000 8192 1 1" % sys.argv[0]
    print "Like above, but also capture the audit log output"
    print "When the server exits, the last numlines of each log will be printed to"
    print "     %s.log - error log output" % errlogfifo
    print "     %s.log - access log output" % accesslogfifo
    print "     %s.log - audit log output" % auditlogfifo

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 4:

<<attachment: smime.p7s>>

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