Some ldapsearch binaries base64-encode password strings in their output.
Not sure if this is what's happening for you, or if you actually have
the password string stored as a base64 string in your directory database.
If you want to decode the base64 strings, this link might be useful for you:
Nalin Dahyabhai wrote:
On Thu, Jul 05, 2007 at 11:20:52AM -0600, Richard Megginson wrote:
Saied W. Andalib wrote:
Some look like this:
userPassword: e1NTSEF9b0lZeWJsWDdPOTNkUVliY215UDZXaDFIdURIQ2tmQjA=
I'm not sure what this is. Fedora DS expects the userPassword to either be
the clear text value
userPassword: mypassword
or a hash with the hash type in the front
userPassword: {SSHA}POTNkUVliY215UDZXaDFIdURI==
I'm not sure what e1NTSEF9b0lZeWJsWDdPOTNkUVliY215UDZXaDFIdURIQ2tmQjA= is.
The "=" on the end suggests that it's base64, and the example was
missing the extra ":" which would indicate that it is. Decoding that
gives "{SSHA}oIYyblX7O93dQYbcmyP6Wh1HuDHCkfB0".
Perhaps the value was accidentally converted so that it's actually being
stored that way in the directory, when it shouldn't be.
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