I Imagine that I had an earlier build of 1.04 which "Create Browsing
Index" wasn't disabled.
But I believe it was a good idea to have it disabled, shouldn't have a
feature which may inadventently cause ppl grief.
Regards Ashley
On Tue, 12 Jun 2007, Ville Silventoinen wrote:
Thanks Ashley. Sounds like it could be related. I just find it weird that the
"Create Browsing Index" stays disabled forever. I installed another Fedora DS
1.0.4 on Friday with exactly the same problem. I used the GUI yesterday and
both choices are still disabled (Create and Delete).
I don't use the Console that often, I just wanted to demo it to my boss. ;-)
Best regards,
On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, ashley wrote:
I thought I saw that bug somewhere but I found references to it.
"And it turned out this bug is a duplicate of bug [171081] ldapsearch hung
at browsing index creation."
Its bug 171081 but I'm not authorized to view it.
Anyways when I've enabled create the browser index, basically my FDS server
is stalled. I had to reboot it and the ldap database was in read-only mode.
So you can't modify it ie change password etc.
Painful exercise on a production LDAP server. But as you said it asks you
to do it when you have more then a 1000 entires when using the GUI. But I
rarely use the GUI. But its handy if people can't use the command line
But yeah thats the short story.
Regards Ashley
On Wed, 6 Jun 2007, Ville Silventoinen wrote:
I re-installed Fedora DS 1.0.4, created a new database and imported
entries. When I use the Console to view the entries, it informs me that I
need to create a Browsing Index because there are more than 1000 entries.
However, when I right-click the parent object, both "Create Browsing
Index" and "Delete Browsing Index" are disabled. Same thing with the
Object menu. I'm logged in as "cn=Directory Manager". Nothing in the
admin-serv/logs or slapd logs that would be useful. I vaguely remember
this happening before but I cannot remember what the solution was. Any
OS is CentOS 4.2, Linux 2.6.9-22.ELsmp. I'm using JDK 1.5.0_09. I searched
bugzilla but I didn't find any similar bugs (at least with "index"
keyword). "startconsole -D" output is below.
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding <top> to Framework
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding FILE to Framework
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding EDIT to Framework
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding VIEW to Framework
ResourceSet:getString():Unable to resolve menu-EditFindUG-description
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding CONTEXT to context
ResourceSet:getString():Unable to resolve menu-EditFindUG-description
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding OBJECT to Framework
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding CONTEXTNEW to some
ContentMenuController.createNewRootEntryMenuItems() the list is []
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding CONTEXTNEWROOTENTRY to
some menu
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding context_setPWP to some
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding OBJECTNEW to Framework
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding OBJECTNEWROOTENTRY to
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding object_setPWP to
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding DISPLAY to Framework
ResourceSet:getString():Unable to resolve menu-nodeleafview-description
ResourceSet:getString():Unable to resolve menu-onlytreeview-description
ResourceSet:getString():Unable to resolve menu-attributeview-description
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding LAYOUT to Framework
ContentMenuController.populateMenuCategory() adding PARTITIONVIEW to
CreateVLVIndex.indexStatus(): dc=ebi,dc=ac,dc=uk
CreateVLVIndex.indexStatus(): ou=Aliases,dc=ebi,dc=ac,dc=uk
ResourceSet:getString():Unable to resolve
ResourceSet:getString():Unable to resolve
Fedora-directory-users mailing list
Fedora-directory-users mailing list
Ashley Chew - Systems Administrator
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
University of Western Australia
Tel: (+61 8) 6488 7082 - Fax: (+61 8) 6488 1089
Ashley[@]csse.uwa.edu.au - http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~ashley
"There is no such thing as Fate, Fate is what you make of it!"
Fedora-directory-users mailing list