I know there was an earlier thread about using uid attribute for sorting
and that it's not supported by the Console:
However, I thought I'd try following approach:
1. I deleted previous Browsing index for People by using the Console.
2. I created following VLV entries as it suggests in the Admin Guide
"Managing Indexes" chapter (my database is called "ebiRoot"):
dn: cn=MCC ou=People dc=ebi dc=ac dc=uk,cn=ebiRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: vlvSearch
cn: MCC ou=People dc=ebi dc=ac dc=uk
vlvBase: ou=People,dc=ebi,dc=ac,dc=uk
vlvScope: 1
vlvFilter: (|(objectclass=*)(objectclass=ldapsubentry))
dn: cn=by MCC ou=People dc=ebi dc=ac dc=uk,cn=MCC ou=People dc=ebi dc=ac dc=uk,cn=ebiRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: vlvIndex
cn: by MCC ou=People dc=ebi dc=ac dc=uk
vlvSort: uid
3. Then I shutdown slapd and ran the vlvindex command:
$ ./vlvindex -n ebiRoot -T "by MCC ou=People dc=ebi dc=ac dc=uk"
[23/Mar/2007:16:47:05 +0000] - WARNING: Import is running with nsslapd-db-private-import-mem on; No other process is allowed to access the database
[23/Mar/2007:16:47:05 +0000] - dblayer_instance_start: pagesize: 4096, pages: 518726, procpages: 6433
[23/Mar/2007:16:47:05 +0000] - cache autosizing: import cache: 204800k
[23/Mar/2007:16:47:05 +0000] - li_import_cache_autosize: 50, import_pages: 51200, pagesize: 4096
[23/Mar/2007:16:47:06 +0000] - ebiRoot: Indexing VLV: by MCC ou=People dc=ebi dc=ac dc=uk
[23/Mar/2007:16:47:06 +0000] - ebiRoot: Indexed 1000 entries (70%).
[23/Mar/2007:16:47:06 +0000] - ebiRoot: Finished indexing.
Looks like everything went well from the output.
4. Start slapd, start the console. When I view People, they are still
sorted by cn. Why does it ignore the VLV config that created above? I also
confirmed from Console that vlvsort is set to "uid".
This is not a major problem, I'm just curious why the above solution
doesn't work? It looks like Console doesn't care what the vlvSort value
is? I don't understand how it can sort with cn when there is no index.
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