Wendt, Trevor wrote:
"The generation ID errors sound like real errors, but those should be
resolvable with the correct replica re-initialization done."
I've tried re-initializing the consumer multiple times with no success.
The NSMMReplicationPlugin - replica_check_for_data_reload and the "csn"
errors are on my supplier server. When my srv2 went offline my srv1
became the "Master" so I can't go from srv2 to srv1 without losing
entries. This is the dilemma...
Thanks for you're suggestions. Please, keep them coming.
Can you show us the RUV from the server that produces the csnplCommit error?
ldapsearch -x -D "cn=directory manager" -W -s base -b
And your replica configuration?
ldapsearch -x -D "cn=directory manager" -W -b "cn=config"
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